All you really need for text editing. Tons of features, super fast, extensible. Should be the model for almost all software. Nvim good for plugins and making a lighweight yet capable IDE. Like a swiss army knife.
Heavyweight version of vim, more capabilities, scripting potential. Develops mindset of analysing how you do things and optimizing workflow in different way than vim. Very fun to be able to quickly write a script and see its use in your work. Calc mode is absolutely awesome and does not get enough credit.
OCR Engine for latex
For zettelkasten
Just a better browser
HTTP POST files: curl -F'file=@yourfile.png'
HTTP POST remote url: curl -F'url='
Something to add to .bashrc
# Usage: nullpointer_upload <\file>
nullpointer_upload () { curl -F "file=@$1" ;} RSS reader. People should use RSS + websites instead of social media. Allows for macros to run scripts which is pretty cool. arxiv download R script Newsboat config
mpvfast file manager
go into directory and do "ctags -R ." to create tags file. Then in vim ctrl-] will be a better goto definition
For vim usage:
g ctrl-] creates list of all instances of that tag
ctrl-t jump back up tag stack