
Table of Contents

1. Keybinds

  • M-t : transpose words
  • C-x C-t transpose two lines
  • C-M-t transpose two sexps
  • C-h f <function> : get information about a function
  • C-h c <keybind> : get inf about a key combination
  • C-h k <key> gives information about a key or key combo
  • ctrl-o opens file in new window (dired)
  • C-/ undo-in-region (local undos to a selected region)
  • <number> C-x $ : (prefix with number to hide that number of columns)
  • C-x k : kills the buffer
  • put C-h after any command and get possible completions (better to do this to learn them rather than using the popup completion package)

2. Modes

company lsp-mode lsp-ui (havent configured yet)

3. Cool things

slime-scratch and elisp scratch follow-mode (makes it so that a file gets shown continously in split)

4. Awesome things

rx for regular expressions Emacs Calc (super cool) - use emacs keybindings in embedded mode Ag - has links that will take you to the doc to see the match in place Query Replace Command Multi cursor Emacs bookmarks Org capture

5. abbrev

6. Links

7. Packages:

yas snippets

8. Making macros functions

9. Mode specific

ido : ctrl-d to open dired

10. Q's to answer:

  • what are marks in emacs vs vim?
  • macros?
  • registers/kill ring?
  • what does learning elisp get me? (look at modes, how they work and ideas for own)
  • common lisp binaries/programs around emacs?

11. Books

mastering emacs (see webstite)

Author: Blake

Created: 2022-10-27 Thu 06:19
