Why vi rocks
Search and Replace in Vim
going through cursor history, works across various files. Is massively helpful when using ‘gd’ to goto definition and want to go forwards/back ctrl-i ctrl-o
ctrl-w f opens the file under your cursor in a new window. AWESOME. WORKS FOR URLS TOO (wget) gf opens file in current window (visual select if its not working) ctrl-w gf opens in new tab
ge goes back using ends of words
‘%’ finds end of parenthases ‘*’ searches for word under cursor
ctrl-x ctrl-f for finding a file (completion)
insert mode: ctrl-r then register to input the contents of a register ctrl-a or ctrl-r . to repeat the previous inserted text
ctrl-x ctrl-l for whole line completion ctrl-x ctrl-n for word completion ctrl-x puts vim in completion mode, then specifiy what type of completion after (ex: ctrl-] for a tags completion) ctrl-x ctrl-o for language aware completion
:e to edit a file
:set spell to enable spell checking
Indent 7 lines (alternative to visual block)
> 7 j
Control-b - Move back one full screen Control-f - Move forward one full screen Control-d - Move forward ½ screen Control-u - Move back (up) ½ screen
:vimgrep search_term **/*.txt text files
:copen view the quickfix list
when over a word that you want to search, press * to search for it
how to use telescope.vim
how to save macros copy from register into vimrc as remap
:find : find and open file
:r![shell command] read outout of command into buffer
:r reads file contents into current buffer
You can * in a word, and then :%s//replacement will replace that word for replacement
:Ex to bring up built in file viewer
:bn to go to next buffer, :ls ot list buffers
q: brings up buffer of command history (for resuing)
visual mode : use :norm on selection and will run that normal mode command on the selection (alternative to visual block stuff)
Registers “rp paste from r register "ry yank into r register Ctrl-r r for when in insert mode :reg to view registers ”: register has most recent command ctrl-r {register} while typing in command will enter that register into commnad (good for search and replace)