
Usefull PDF Searching Commnad for windows

	      function Select-File {
	      param([string]$path, [string[]]$extensions)

	      Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse  |
	      Where-Object { $_.Extension -in $extensions -and $_.DirectoryName -notmatch '\\\.' } |
	      Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName |
	      Out-GridView -Title "Select a file to open" -OutputMode Single

	      $selectedFile = Select-File -path "." -extensions @(".pdf", ".djvu")

	      if ($selectedFile) {
	      Start-Process "c:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -ArgumentList $selectedFile


Interesting ideas about alternatives to Von Neumann style - 10/31/22

Emacs config updates - 5/9/22

Made some additions to emacs config


Allows you to resize windows and jump to them with a letter. Can configure so that when you make a jump it automatically increases the size of that window to a percentage of the frame.


Opens a window showing kill ring that you can scroll through and enter contents at point in buffer.


Add selected region to a 'multifile edit buffer' where the selection is mirrored, and the changes made in the mirror buffer happen in the respective underlying file. Could be really useful for multifile projects.


Allows you to jump to lines/character/words in file directly (similar to switch-window). I prefer making jumps by word.